Are you an entrepreneur with technologies, fresh ideas, or experience in energy transition and the circular economy? A2A Life Ventures is looking for startup ideas and intellectual property that have the potential to enhance people’s quality of life while advancing a global shift towards sustainable energy practices and the circular economy. These could be waste collection or management, energy production, storage, trading, water, e-mobility, utilities, smart city solutions, public lighting, district heating, or similar.
Solvers or organizations with start-up/business/non-technological ideas, intellectual property in technology or products, or the experience in developing these into ventures are asked to apply to the A2A Life Ventures program.
This is a Prize Challenge which requires a written proposal to be submitted. Awards will be contingent upon the theoretical evaluation of the proposal by A2A and participation in the Investor Day competition.
Submissions to this Challenge must be received by 11:59 PM (US Eastern Time) on April 15th, 2024.
Source: Wazoku
#2024, #Burns, #Business, #Challenge, #CircularEconomy, #Competitions, #Economy, #Energy, #EnergyProduction, #Global, #HardwareGadgets, #Heating, #Ideas, #IntellectualProperty, #Life, #Lighting, #Link, #Management, #Mobility, #Organizations, #Pm, #Production, #QualityOfLife, #Startup, #Storage, #Sustainability, #Sustainable, #SustainableEnergy, #Tech, #Technology, #Time, #Transition, #Utilities, #Waste, #Water
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