What is ChatGPT by OpenAI – Explained! | By The Digital Insider

Recently, a new sensation powered by AI has taken the internet by storm in the past month. We’ve seen many versions of chatbots that provides 24×7 support but this one is something new and exciting. Recently ChatGPT-3 was released (successor of GPT-n series) and it just took 5 days to gain 1+ Million users. The trained version of NLP (Natural Language Processing) can convert texts and can be engaging like human interaction.

With the growing era of technology, users expect a lot from businesses/companies to get the solutions to their problems, and the chatbots which were being used among industries were not helpful enough to keep up the retention ratio. This creates a lot of gaps during interaction and sometimes becomes quite annoying. The change was much needed from a business perspective and also to decrease the dissatisfaction level of their users. 

What is ChatGPT


Being the front face of any brand, chatbots required immediate attention for replacement and this is where a company named OpenAI, created a solution to boost the business and enhance productivity in no time. The best thing about this new AI-powered technology is that it has become an overnight sensation in the past few days. 

So, what exactly is ChatGPT? Let’s find out.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an innovative move to build a connection between humans and a bot that connects so seamlessly that it almost feels like a natural conversation. Unlike like traditional methods, this technology has been combined with AI algorithms to offer solutions to their users just like a normal messaging application. 

ChatGPT was founded by OpenAI (an independent body), which aims to eliminate the problem of traditional chatbot methods which we were using throughout the platforms (such as banking, e-commerce, etc.) and works like a natural touch of a human being. 

It has been aimed to provide answers based on feelings, auto-detection of words, and provide outputs based on the inputs given by the users.

Sooner, this system will go out on all major platforms and so the accuracy will be tested on all different forms. The company also aims to target all mainstream to replace them with traditional chatbot methods.

How Does ChatGPT Work?

As discussed above, ChatGPT works with AI-trained models for providing an immersive experience to their users via textual forms. The models have been trained in such a way that it chats with human just like other humans and it continuously reinforces learning from the feedback received from human beings. 

In other words, it is nothing more than a model that is being trained by humans and powered by AI, and based on the inputs and feedback, it shifts its pattern and responds accordingly. OpenAI stated in a statement that this model works onReinforcement Learning from Human Feedback or RLHF that can reject inappropriate inputs, train themselves to provide the best solution and answer all the users’ queries.

Is ChatGPT a Reliable Technology?

The initial version had some drawbacks which have been identified and rectified (based on human feedback), and version 2 came into play but is still considered less accurate. Not only this, in fact when a user will start this application, a disclaimer warning will pop up on their screen which will warn the users that ChatGPT is not 100% accurate and can also provide answers that might discomfort the users.

Being its unbiased nature, it fetches the queries and passes on the messages to the end users that might be misleading to their readers. But the brighter side is that it works as a front-responder of any business/brand and can provide outputs that can be a much helpful solution to their desired customers.

How to Use ChatGPT?

Since its initial release, the company has seen a surge in users and the number of registered users crossed 1 million (that too in just 4 days). The company is likely to introduce paid plans in different phases. Currently, it is working on initial phases where its target is to grab attention and is free for all. Anyone can try out their services simply by setting up the account and by going through all the terms & conditions along with the disclaimer.

However, users are advised to use this wisely and not to rely on it as it might offer solutions that might not be suitable for everyone. You can also visit the official site to know more about ChatGPT – OpenAI/ChatGPT

Step-by-Step Process of using ChatGPT:

You can start using ChatGPT within a few clicks, refer to the below step guidance for best reference:

STEP 1: Open the official website then click on TRY CHATGPT to begin your journey.

how to use ChatGPT


STEP 2: A new window will then appear on your screen and you’ll be asked to LOG IN or SIGNUP to start

how to use chat gpt for free


STEP 3: You will be then redirected to the main page, and you’ll find a small tour guide. 

You will be able to see a screen with multiple options that you can do with ChatGPT, with a small chat box in the bottom line.

chat gpt sign up


STEP 4: We have shared the screenshot for reference that how you can interact using ChatGPT

chat gpt examples


This clearly indicates how interactive ChatGPT could be and can help you out with all the possible suggestions. For an instance, you can also ask to translate any language, write lyrics, and much more.

Note: Since, it’s still under the development phase so if in case you find any issue with the provided output, you can submit your feedback and you can also hit the like and dislike button (available on the right side of every ChatGPT response.)

Limitations of ChatGPT

The list of limitations is long when using ChatGPT, however, we have focused on providing concrete differences that can be fixed in the upcoming future. Have a look at some of the limitations below:

  1. No real-time output 
  2. External support from any URL (for reference) is not allowed
  3. The location-based facility is still missing 
  4. There are cases where ChatGPT was unable to answer basic riddles, have a look at the screenshot for the best reference
chatgpt failures


In most cases, it has been observed that ChatGPT is lagging behind and needs improvements. Till, that time, the company is targeting to work towards making their AI-based system more convenient.

How People are using ChatGPT?

It took 4 days for ChatGPT to hit a million user milestone which is comparatively high for many popular applications that we use today. For example, Instagram took near about 90 days to reach that milestone. The charm of this technology has forced people to try out things in different ways and the Internet is flooded with the things that people have been doing with this latest sensation. Let’s look at some of them and analyze what else could be done with ChatGPT:

  • Coding: The days are not far away when technologies like this would change the meaning of programming and people have been enjoying working on different languages using this tool.
  • Poetry: Many users have posted updates where they have shared their experiences of writing poets using ChatGPT 
  • Song Writing: Since this tool works with AI-model and is capable of generating texts, it can easily write a song in a matter of time.
  • Game/Movie Suggestion: It is also being considered as a replacement for the Google search engine which is actually a big statement but the wonders it is doing are still unimaginable and based on users’ inputs, it can provide suggestions for food, movies, games, etc.


The real question by the end of this topic is – Can AI write blogs and replace Google or Human interactions? The answer is clearly NO, as of now because there are a lot of dependencies relying on human intelligence and this trending technology. Although this technology is a charm still the ratio of bugs and inaccurate answers is high in ChatGPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer). On the other hand, Google works with a different mechanism and its metrics are based on websites. But the amount of fame that this technology has been getting is highly appreciable and we hope for brighter days in this technology. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Who built ChatGPT?

Ans: ChatGPT is an AI-based model that was launched by OpenAI in Nov 2022 and works on automating chatbot technology. It is also considered the advanced version of traditional support chat systems. It was founded back in 2015 by Elon Musk, Ilya Sutskever, Wojciech Zaremba Greg Brockman, and Sam Altman. and became sensational overnight. The company’s current CEO is Sam Altman.

2. Is ChatGPT free to use?

Ans: Since it is still in the development phase and their team is continuously working to make ChatGPT more smooth and interactive so currently it is free to use and open to all. However, the company has not disclosed any future plans regarding the usage.

3. Will ChatGPT replace Google?

Ans: The answer to this is “NO”, ChatGPT is an AI-based trained model that works on generating output based on human interaction (provided inputs) and there are times when ChatGPT is not even answering the relevant answers. On the other hand, Google is an internationally established brand that is being served as a home brand for search engines for every third person in the world. Google offers many other services that are more precise, vast, and accurate. So, ChatGPT is likely not going to replace Google completely.

4. Who owns Open AI?

Ans: Open AI is an AI-based research lab that has two different verticals, i.e.

  1. OpenAI LP
  2. OpenAI INC

The organization was founded by Elon Musk, Ilya Sutskever, Wojciech Zaremba Greg Brockman, and Sam Altman.

5. Will ChatGPT take jobs?

Ans: The concept of ChatGPT is so unique that it gained popularity in a matter of no time. But, since it’s in a new phase and there are tons of work required to generate quality output. So, the answer is “NO” it’s not going to take jobs in the upcoming years.

6. What are ChatGPT Alternatives?

Ans: Since its launch, many companies have come out offering different tools for AI-based content, among which are listed below:

  1. Bloom
  2. Replika
  3. Jasper
  4. FaceApp, etc.

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Published on The Digital Insider at https://bit.ly/3CLR62b.
