The Future of Business Intelligence: Trends and Technologies Shaping Decision Support Systems - Technology Org | By The Digital Insider

Business intelligence (BI) is an umbrella term for technologies, processes, and analytics that help companies understand the state of their business. BI has evolved from traditional data warehouse systems, which were primarily used to capture and store data. Today’s technology has made it possible for business users to take action on insights with more agility than ever before. In this guide, we’ll explore how BI is evolving and why you should consider adopting a modern approach to decision support systems (DSS).

Working with business clients - illustrative photo.

Working with business clients – illustrative photo. Image credit: Ronald Candonga via Pixabay, free license

The Need for Change

  • Business intelligence (BI) is not a new concept. It has been around for many years, but the business landscape has changed dramatically over that time. The need for BI is greater than ever before because of these changes in the business landscape:

  • Data is everywhere. Organizations are generating more data than they know what to do with it; this makes it difficult for them to make decisions based on incomplete information or outdated data

  • New technologies have emerged that allow organizations to collect and analyze information faster than ever before, which means they need better tools for making sense of all their new data sources

  • The way people think about technology has changed due to advances in mobile devices and social media networks like Facebook and Twitter

Enter Business Dashboards

Business dashboards are a way to visualize data in a way that is easy to understand. They are used to monitor performance, track progress, and make decisions and they can be used with data from different sources. Business dashboards are being adopted by executives and managers who want real-time access to their company’s KPIs (key performance indicators). Analysts also use them because they can get the information they need through one interface rather than having multiple applications open at once or searching through multiple reports on their desktops or laptops.

Dashboards for business are not just a technological convenience; they represent a strategic advantage in the fast-paced landscape of contemporary decision-making.

Business intelligence software has become more sophisticated over time as it’s been able to handle larger amounts of information at once while still providing users with simple ways of accessing that information quickly and easily when needed most likely when there’s an urgent decision that needs making right away!

Analysts are using business intelligence software more and more to help them make decisions. This is because the software can handle large amounts of data without slowing down, making it easier for analysts to access critical information when they need it most. Business dashboards are one way that companies can use BI tools; they provide real-time access to KPIs so users don’t have to spend time searching through reports on their desktops or laptops.

Key Benefits of Business Dashboards

Business dashboards are an effective way to make decisions faster and more effectively. They can help you increase productivity, reduce costs, improve customer satisfaction, and even increase employee productivity.

  • Improve decision-making: Business dashboards help you make better decisions by providing you with real-time data that’s easy to understand.

  • Reduce stress levels: Dashboards can be used by anyone from entry-level employees up through executives in your organization so everyone can access information about their area of expertise at any given time without having any prior training on how BI tools work or what they do for businesses overall

Improve employee engagement: Dashboards can help increase employee engagement by providing them with a better understanding of the company’s overall performance. This leads to increased productivity and makes employees feel like their work is making a difference in the world.

Implementation Process

Before you start on a BI project, it’s important to define the problem. If you don’t know what problem you’re trying to solve or how it will benefit your organization, then any solution is going to be flawed. You need to know what goals you want to achieve and why they’re important before starting on any solutions.

Once these questions have been answered and goals are set, then comes the fun part: figuring out how exactly we’re going about achieving them! This step is where many people fall into trouble; they get too caught up in what other people think their goals should be instead of focusing on their ambitions and abilities (and no one knows better than YOU what kind of success would make YOU happy). Set ambitious but realistic expectations for yourself if it takes three months instead of six months or costs $100 instead of $1000 per month (or whatever), don’t worry about those things just focus on getting started today with whatever small step(s) seem feasible right now rather than waiting until everything falls perfectly into place before taking action!

Don’t be discouraged if you have to make some changes along the way; just take it as an opportunity to learn from your mistakes and adjust accordingly.


If you’re looking to make the most of your business intelligence, it’s time to consider a dashboard. The benefits of this technology are clear, and there are many tools available to help you implement it.

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