Capgemini Interview Experience for Analyst (On-Campus) | By The Digital Insider

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There were two rounds in the process.

Round 1(Written Test): The test was divided into four sections and each section was an elimination round. If you clear the first section, then only you will get to another section.

  • Pseudo-Code: There were around 25 questions that you had to solve within 30 minutes. The questions asked were related to bitwise operators,if-else, loops, switch statements, and recursive functions. The level of questions was basic to easy. (If you clear the pseudo-code section, you will immediately get a link to proceed to the next section.)
  • Verbal Section: There were 30 questions in this section which you have to solve in 30 minutes. These questions were from narrations, voices, comprehensions, para jumbles, antonyms, and synonyms.
  • Game-Based Aptitude Test: This section contains four types of games.
  • Motion Challenge: You have to throw the red ball into the black hole by clearing all the obstacles in the path.
    You have to do it in the minimum possible steps.
  • Inductive Logical Thinking:  The grids on the left side follow a rule. You have to find out the two grids from the right which follow the same rules as the left.
  • Deductive Logical Thinking: There is an NXN matrix that contains  N symbols. Each column must have all the symbols and no symbol should be repeated.
  • Grid Challenge: This challenge checks your concentration and memory. First, you will be seen lots of circles on the screen along with only one colored circle .you have to remember the position of the colored circle as the slide will disappear within 2 or 3 seconds.

In the next slide, a question will be asked whether the given images are identical or not and you have to click the right answer at the same time.

Again a number of circles will be shown in which one would be colored and you have to memorize its position. In continuation, a question to check symmetry between two figures will be asked. This process will continue. And at last, you have to click all the circles in the same order in which it has been shown to you.

Behavioral Round: This is a personality check round and not an elimination round.  You have to answer 100 questions in 20 minutes.

Round 2(Interview): Both TR and HR happened simultaneously. It was conducted on the superset portal. The asked questions are listed below:

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Tell me about your project.
  • Four pillars of OOPs.
  • Real-life application of Four pillars of OOPs.
  • Describe Inheritance.
  • Joins and types of join(DBMS)
  • What is leadership according to you?
  • Achievements that are not mentioned in the resume.
  • What was the toughest challenge you have ever faced?
  • Why do you want to join this company?

Verdict: Selected.

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#Aptitude, #Article, #BlackHole, #Buttons, #Capgemini, #Circles, #Code, #Data, #DBMS, #Easy, #Game, #Games, #Grid, #Grids, #Hr, #Images, #INterview, #InterviewExperiences, #It, #Leadership, #Life, #Link, #Loops, #Matrix, #Memory, #OnCampus, #One, #Personality, #Process, #Project, #Read, #Red, #Solve, #Symbol, #Text, #Time, #WhatIs
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