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Analysis | Four take-aways from the new Afghanistan collapse analysis - The Washington Post | By The Perfect Enemy

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Four take-aways from the new Afghanistan collapse analysis

Presidents Donald Trump and Joe Biden set the stage for Afghanistan’s collapse and the Taliban’s return to power by pulling out U.S. forces and military contractors before Kabul’s security forces were self-sufficient, according to a new report by a government watchdog.

That may seem obvious. In fact, it was the core conclusion the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) reached in a previous report, in May 2022.

Despite 20 years of American help, the Afghans weren’t ready (and might never have been), and the Taliban made big inroads after Trump and the Islamist militia struck the so-called Doha Agreement that set a U.S. withdrawal timeline. Then Biden — a longtime advocate for leaving, no matter what — slightly extended the deadline but ultimately quit the country.

But the new document helps shed light on what happened, taking a long view that stretches back to the earliest days of the U.S. invasion in late 2001, and spreading the blame to U.S. politicians, the military and Afghan leaders.

It comes as Republicans newly in control of the House may be preparing to launch investigations into Biden’s handling of the war. And it could feed rising GOP resistance to military and economic aid for Ukraine.

Here are four things to note from the report. (Ben Kesling of The Wall Street Journal had what looks like the first write-up of the report’s findings. Some of our take-aways overlap.)

Blaming the Afghan leadership

Former Afghan president Ashraf Ghani comes in for some scathing criticism.

“The seeds of collapse had been planted over a 20-year period. But by almost all accounts, President Ghani’s weak leadership, micromanaging, and lack of political acumen accelerated the collapse,” the report says.

Much of that criticism stems from Ghani’s apparent belief, according to SIGAR, that Biden would not withdraw — an incredible misreading of the new president, who had been pushing for an end to America’s role in Afghanistan for years.

“As a result, President Ghani did not accurately assess the Taliban threat, choosing instead to focus on his political rivals and their threats to his presidency … this likely contributed to President Ghani’s delay in planning for a post-withdrawal reality.”

And his “last-minute wholesale restructuring of Afghanistan’s security institutions between March and June 2021, in particular, undermined ANDSF [Afghan National Defense and Security Forces] cohesion, morale, and ultimately, its ability to counter the Taliban offensive.”

The contractors leave, Afghan forces suffer

Much of the news media focus on the American withdrawal has been on uniformed military personnel, but the report highlights the dependence of the ANDSF on American contractors for key jobs like maintaining vehicles, notably aircraft, and keeping track of military equipment.

Retired Lt. Gen. David Barno, who commanded U.S. forces from 2003 to 2005, put it colorfully to SIGAR: “We built that army to run on contractor support. Without it, it can’t function. Game over … When the contractors pulled out, it was like we pulled all the sticks out of the Jenga pile and expected it to stay up.”

A momentous shift in helicopters

What did this contractor business look like on the ground?

The Afghan Air Force (AAF) was “familiar with the Soviet-made Mi-17 helicopter” and was “able to do most of the maintenance on those aircraft.” U.S. officials estimated in 2017 the AAF would be able to maintain them completely without help by 2019.

But the Pentagon shifted the AAF “to the more complex U.S.-made UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter.”

“[T]he shift from Mi-17s to UH-60s moved the date for AAF self-sufficiency back to at least 2030, 10 years after the United States committed to removing all U.S. military and contractor support from Afghanistan,” SIGAR concluded.

“Former Afghan generals Sami Sadat and Haibatullah Alizai told SIGAR that the majority of the AAF’s UH-60s were grounded shortly after U.S. contractors withdrew. 163 Sadat added that when the U.S. contractors withdrew, every aircraft that had battle damage or needed maintenance was grounded. ‘In a matter of months, 60 percent of the Black Hawks were grounded, with no Afghan or U.S. government plan to bring them back to life,’ he said.” 

Doha Deal Secrets

SIGAR also blames secrecy surrounding Trump’s Doha deal with the Taliban, highlighting “[m]any of its provisions were contained in secret written and verbal agreements between U.S. and Taliban envoys, which the Trump administration classified.”

(SIGAR sought those secret annexes from the Pentagon and State Department, but never got them.)

“The secrecy around U.S.- Taliban negotiations andthe Doha agreement meant there was a lack of official information for the ANDSF. Taliban propaganda weaponized that vacuum against commanders and elders by claiming they had a secret deal with the US for certain districts or provinces to be surrendered to them.”

We may soon see how much Congress wants to know.


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… and beyond

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Nearly 100 immigrants who were rounded up during a 2018 raid at a meat processing plant in Tennessee have reached a $1.17 million settlement against the U.S. government and federal agents, who they said used racial profiling and excessive force during the operation, stepping on a person’s neck and punching another in the face,” the New York Times’s Miriam Jordan reports.

The agreement, approved late Monday in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Tennessee, is very likely the first class settlement over an immigration enforcement operation at a work site, according to immigration experts. In the past, only individual immigrants have reached settlements related to immigration raids.”

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His absence throws a sizable roadblock in the path of Senate Democrats’ 51-49 majority. But party leaders are intent on giving him as much time as he needs to recover — particularly given the lengthy recuperation periods that former Sens. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) and Tim Johnson (D-S.D.) needed after significant injuries in 2012 and 2006, respectively.”

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Biden is traveling to Virginia Beach on Tuesday afternoon as part of a new line of attack that puts the White House and congressional Republicans on a collision course over possible budget cuts. Some top Republicans have threatened to vote against raising the debt ceiling — which would cause the federal government to default on its loans within a few months — unless Biden agrees to significant cuts in federal spending.”

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“In a bid to keep U.S. data safe, all federal agencies must eliminate TikTok from phones and systems and prohibit internet traffic from reaching the company, Office of Management and Budget Director Shalanda Young told agencies in a guidance memorandum seen by Reuters.”

Where anti-trans bills have been introduced and passed this year, visualized

Mississippi last week became the fifth state after Alabama, Utah, South Dakota and Arkansas to pass legislation restricting minors seeking gender-affirming care. Governors in Utah and South Dakota have signed the measures into law. In Florida, the state’s board of medicine has imposed similar limits,” Ariana Eunjung Cha reports.

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The [onslaught of anti-trans] bills come at a time when gender identity in the United States is at a cultural inflection point. While the percentage of teens and young adults identifying as transgender remains minuscule, it has more than doubled from one generation to the next,” Ariana Eunjung Cha reports.

  • By the numbers: “Whereas 0.5 percent of all adults said in a 2017-2020 survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that they were transgender, 1.4 percent of 13-to-17-year-olds and 1.3 percent of those 18-to-24 identified themselves that way in the survey.”

“While the trend has been celebrated by those who see it as a reflection of social acceptance, there are deep divisions over the issue of gender identity, especially along religious and political lines.”

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Today in Washington

At 12:40 p.m., Biden will leave for Joint Base Andrews, where he will fly to Virginia Beach. He will arrive at 1:45 p.m. 

Biden will speak about health care in Virginia Beach at 3 p.m.

Biden will leave Virginia Beach for Andrews at 4:25 p.m. He’ll arrive at the White House at 5:35 p.m.

In closing

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